How to Dry Herbs

Dried herbs are a major part of my cooking. I’ve been growing herbs all summer, because they smell good and I needed some plant babies. Now that it’s growing cooler outside, it’s time to dry herbs and put them away for the winter.
Don’t worry, it is as easy as can be! There are a lot of different methods (including using a dehydrator or oven), but I prefer to hang them in a dry place and and let time do the work.
If you’d like to dry your own herbs at home, you’ll need the following:
- twine or string
- scissors
- clips (paper, binder, clothespins, etc.)
- a dry place
- hammer and nails (or some other way of attaching string to a wall)
- herbs to dry
- airtight containers
When you’re ready, cut your herbs and tie them into bunches. You don’t want the bunches too big, or they’ll mold instead of drying. I usually put three or four stalks in each bouquet, depending on size.
Next, make a place for the herbs to dry. We have an outdoor closet, so I just tacked up some twine. I find it easiest to attach a paper clip to each bouquet, and then hang it on the herb line. (See picture below.)

And now, we wait, for at least a week or two. You’ll know your herbs are dry when you can crush a leaf to powder between your fingers.
Once your herbs are done drying, take them down, bring them inside, and preserve them whole in airtight containers. I prefer Mason jars; they’re super cheap, and they’re good for the environment. Note: you should preserve your herbs whole so that they retain as much aroma as possible until using. Only crush them when you’re actually cooking with them.
And voila, you know how to dry herbs! Don’t you feel so crafty and domestic now? I know I do.